Cove Street just celebrated its 10th anniversary as a firm and we are celebrating by re-launching our website. We hope you like the new format and find it even easier to navigate.
Additionally, if Cove Street has been around that long, it means that I have been here for a decade. There is no way I could capture all that I have learned over that period about investing, the business of investment management, and how to build a culture within this industry. However, when Bobby Kraft on SNN (our partner on the Compounders podcast) asked me to do a keynote at his fall conference, I decided to put a list together of the 10 biggest lessons I have learned over the last decade.
When I mentioned the idea to Jeff Bronchick, he joked that our clients don’t care about my own personal journey. Fair point. However, I wanted to share the video of the presentation in the same vein that I teach classes at UCLA and Cal State Fullerton each year. The goal is to help young investors avoid making the exact same mistakes I have made.
If any of this sounds interesting, please see the YouTube video of my presentation here:
Ben Claremon
Small Cap PLUS Portfolio Manager