“Desengaño” was noted by one Antonio Garcia Martinez in his most excellent book, Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley, as a
We are pleased to announce the 9th and arguably last Women in Finance Intern at Cove Street Capital: Sophie Zeng. I don’t think we can
“To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking.” From one
From a recent piece in the WSJ by the Townsend Group. Our simple note. The invention of “quantitative easing” essentially meant that the Treasury printed
Commentary on a June 23rd article in the WSJ. Our industry loves to quantify and categorize. It’s not that easy in real life. Our presentation
The Perfect Sound: A Memoir in Stereo Shantaram Paradais The Power Law The Cursed Bunny Eight Days in May: The Final Collapse of the Third
A big debate going on as it relates to public companies—and the U.S. economy as a whole—surrounds how long a period of elevated inflation is
After being a guest on Edwin Dorsey’s Sunday Idea Brunch, I got a fair amount of inbound from people asking about Cove Street’s management assessment process.
The following is an excerpt from Cove Street’s Q1 2022 Small Cap PLUS letter to clients: If there is any stereotype about value investors that
We may have called this one. By Max Abelson (Bloomberg) — HSBC Holdings Plc has suspended executive Stuart Kirk days after he criticized the finance
I started to cherry-pick some paragraphs here, but why? Read for yourself. The man has an opinion. I think the opinion resonates a LOT with
It’s very hard to collect. And…I wonder how long this guy keeps his job?
Complements of Byrne Hobart at the Diff, who thinks and writes well on many things, but Tech in particular as that is a world in
Our guest on the show this week was Chris Mayer, the Portfolio Manager of the Woodlock House Family Capital fund and the co-founder of the
Activist groups are filing climate resolutions across corporate America. Tactically interesting, all six of the largest US investment banks are prominently targeted in a “cut
Take from an article in Bloomberg, April 6th If Stocks Don’t Fall, the Fed Needs to Force Them Tightening financial conditions will be key
Our guests on the show this week were Malcolm Wilson and Mark Manduca, the respective CEO and CIO of GXO Logistics. GXO is a $7
We generally don’t like “voting control” companies and unequal share classes. We are also not fans of publically traded Partnerships as it limits the number
I recognize that there may be a perception among people who avoid Twitter that the platform represents the epitome of everything that is wrong with
Yes, the interviewee should have done this on his laptop instead of the CSC conference room if he had known…better. Young Mr. Parnes is a
1. It is a complete embarrassment that Netflix executives won’t take calls directly from investors and instead play the shield through an analyst game. It
Source: MIDiA Research Forget peak Netflix, this is the attention recession by Mark Mulligan Netflix’s Q1 2022 results caused a stir, with subscriber numbers down
Our guest on the show this week was Casey Hoyt, the CEO of Viemed Healthcare (Ticker: VMD). Viemed is a $196 million market cap company
What do investors really need in regard to climate disclosure? This is a reasonably balanced discussion. Recall – the SEC initial proposal subject to public
This week’s guest is Tom Logan, the CEO of Mirion Technologies (Ticker: MIR). Mirion was founded in 2005 and Tom has been the company’s only
April 2022 – As we have noted in this space in the past, there is a lot of the world that cannot be captured by
ESG’s Russia Test: Trial by Fire or Crash and Burn? by Aswath Damodaran My views on ESG are not a secret. I believe that ESG
One of the joys of being a securities analyst is reading conference calls when a CEO goes AWOL and tells people what he or she
Post the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the global universe of online COVID experts have now turned their attention to the ramifications of an “utterly changed